Survey - What should the next generation Amiga be like?

The following questionaire is found out what you think the next generation Amiga should be like, because of all the big announcements which were made in January. So, please fill out this simple questionaire:


Your name:

Your e-mail address:

Your url:

Processor Types

What type of processor(s) would you like to see in the next generation Amiga?

If you have selected Hybrid for processor type, please specify what type of processors:

Any additional comments on processor types, please put them below.

What sort of specifications would you like to see?

Should the next generation Amiga continue to use custom chips?

If you've answered no to the previous question, should the next generation Amiga, rely on graphics and sound cards for easier upgradability?

Should a next generation Amiga come with Multichannel 16/24-bit audio?

Should the next generation Amiga come with 3D graphics capabilities?

Should the next generation Amiga come with a digital signal processor?

Should the next generation Amiga's motherboard be able to fit into standard PC tower cases?

Should the next generation Amiga come with a hard drive, CD-ROM drive or DVD drive as standard?

If you've answered yes, to the previous qusetion, then please specify size of hard disk, speed of CD-ROM drive, or DVD drive and also what type of interface they should use:

What type of memory, would you like a next Amiga generation to be able to accept?

If you've selected More than one type, please specify what types of memory, a next generation Amiga should be able to accept.

If you've selected Other, please specify what type.

How much memory would you like to see a next generation Amiga come with?

Less than 8mb 8Mb - 16 Mb 16Mb - 32Mb 32Mb - 64Mb Greater than 64 Mb

What sort of expansion slots would you like to see on a next generation Amiga?

If you've selected More than one type, please specify what types of Expansion Slot Types, a next generation Amiga should have and how many of each.

What sort of interfaces would you like the next generation Amiga to have?

Should the next generation Amiga be able to use standard PC monitors?

Should the next generation Amiga have video output?

Should the next generation Amiga come with genlocking?

Should the next generation Amiga be network capable?

Should the next generation Amiga come with a modem as standard?

If you've answered yes to the previous question, please specify how fast it should be.

Any additional comments on specificatons, please place them below.

Backwards Compatibility?

Do you think that backwards compatibility is important for the next generation Amiga?

If you've answered yes to the previous question, would you like to see backwards compability done by the next generation Amiga via emulation?

If you've answered no to the previous question, would you like to see backwards compatibility to achieved by means of an Amiga on a card which could be plugged into one of the expansion slots, similar to the forthcoming InsideOut from Index?

Any additional comments on backwards compatibility, please place them below


Do you think that a next generation Amiga should come with some pieces of software as standard?

If you've answered yes to the previous question, please specify what types you'd like to see and the names of any pieces of software.


Would you like to see a laptop version of the Amiga to be produced?

If you've answered yes to the previous question, please specify what specifications you'd like it to have.

Would you like to see a palmtop version of the Amiga to be produced?

If you've answered yes to the previous question, please specify what specifications you'd like it to have.

Thank you for responding to this questionaire, so go and please fill in the other questionaire, if you haven't done so already.